Mirai City Buliding Facade

JUNEN expanded metal can be transforsming into a new level of decoration. Architectural design can be not only beautiful but also functional in life.

This case is for the construction of the Mirai-city Tocheng building in Kaohsiung Renwu . There are more possibilities for the expanded metal mesg. You will find that from different angles; the visual visibility is different. The characteristics of the expansion net can be determined according to the building. The sitting direction can be adjusted according to the angle of construction. For example, it can be used as the interval between windows in the light-transmitting part and the privacy between households. It can adjust the light to block the sun's rays; it has good penetration and can maintain privacy. Whether indoors or outdoors, it has excellent energy-saving, greening, ventilation, light transmission and other effects. The use of JUNEN expanded metal mesh can elevate your architectural works to the realm of practicality and artistic beauty.
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facadev
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facadev
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade
  • JUNEN Buliding facade